Features & Interviews

Between the Keys with Jed Distler:
The Art of Clipper Erickson
April 3rd, 2023
Clipper Erickson was honored to join The Classical Network’s Artist in Residence Jed Distler for an hour of music and conversation.

Waiting List Magazine
Enrico Bertato interviews Clipper about his mission and May 2022 Music for the Soul performance with Polish soprano, Dominika Zamara.
WWFM: Clipper Erickson & Marjorie Herman
Marjorie Herman of WWFM interviews Clipper Erickson about R. Nathaniel Dett and Clipper’s album, My Cup Runneth Over. Featuring excerpts of his performance of “In The Bottoms.”
The Cunningham Piano Show
“Juba Dance” (R. Nathaniel Dett) & “The Lord’s Prayer” (arr. Donald Dumpson)
Master pianist Clipper Erickson has performed concerts all over the world, recorded extensively, and is on the faculties of Temple University and Westminster Conservatory. Clipper is quite the history buff, and has a passion for the music of early 20th century African-American composer Nathaniel Dett. His CD recording of the complete piano works of Dett was a Gramophone UK magazine “critic’s choice”. For this episode, Clipper took advantage of the fact that our show guests get to choose from a range of pianos – he performs on two magnificent instruments, an Estonia L210 and a Bösendorfer 225.
Priceless Price: A February Celebration
In February of 2022, Clipper Erickson embarked on a tour of Bozeman, Montana, where he performed live at the Reynolds Recital Hall at Montana State University. During his time in Montana, he performed in several local salons and offered a masterclass at Montana State University’s School of Music.

Praise for Priceless Price:
“It was such a fun evening, and the privilege of hearing the incredible piano works of Dett and Price was to be treasured. Clipper’s playing melted away the sub-zero temps! A wonderful evening!”
–Dr. Dennis Wentz, MD; past Board President, Intermountain Opera Association, Bozeman, MT
“Listening to the performance – particularly the Beethoven – I had the same feeling I had the morning I woke up and Antarctica was there, outside my stateroom window on the expedition cruise ship, an intense feeling of luck and appreciation: I can’t believe I’m actually here! In the case of Clipper’s performance, it was this same wave of appreciation: I can’t believe I’m actually in the room where this music is happening!”
–Marjorie Smith, aficionado
“I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to hear Clipper play with such dignity, grace, and skill. Very impressive.”
-Diane Brawner, aficionado